Legal notice
Organisation responsible for the content of this website:
Heuger Gartenbaubetriebe
Josef Heuger
D-49219 Glandorf
Telefon +49 5426 94 83 0
Fax +49 5426 94 83 40
VAT reg. no.: DE 812 014 109
Limitation of liability
The information on this website is exclusively provided for the purpose of presenting our business and services. Heuger Gartenbaubetriebe do not - explicitly or implicitly - give any guarantee that the information provided on the website is complete, up-to-date or accurate. Users of this website agree that they are accessing this website and its contents at their own risk. Heuger Gartenbaubetriebe do not accept liability for any damage resulting from using or not using the information provided on the website or using faulty or incomplete information.
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This website also contains links or references to third-party sites. Such links to third-party sites do not imply the approval of the sites contents by Heuger Gartenbaubetriebe. Heuger Gartenbaubetriebe has no influence on or responsibility for the contents of the external websites that are linked directly or indirectly. Heuger Gartenbaubetriebe do not accept liability for the availability or contents of such websites or for damage or harm resulting from using such contents whatsoever. Heuger Gartenbaubetriebe declare that at the time the links were placed the relevant sites contained no illegal content. Should illegal content have been added to such sites after the links are placed, Heuger Gartenbaubetriebe explicitly disassociate themselves from such illegal content. Heuger Gartenbaubetriebe will remove the relevant links immediately after becoming aware of such illegal content. The same applies to all external entries in guest books, discussion forums etc.
Heuger Gartenbaubetriebe endeavour to respect the copyrights for diagrams and texts we use and draw on licence-free diagrams and texts respectively. All trademarks mentioned on the website and / or trademarks protected by third parties, if any, are subject to the provisions of trademark law valid in each case and the property rights of the respective registered owners. Heuger Gartenbaubetriebe are the sole holders of the copyrights for objects published and created by Heuger Gartenbaubetriebe as the website authors. Such diagrams, pictures and texts may only be copied or used in other electronic or printed publications if the explicit consent of Heuger Gartenbaubetriebe has previously been obtained.
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If the design or content of this website violates any third-party rights or applicable law, please advise us free of charge. We guarantee that we will remove any justifiably disputed passages without delay without you having to employ the services of a lawyer. If you nevertheless incur any expenses without previously contacting us, we will reject them as unjustified and refuse to meet any expense whatsoever on the grounds of your duty to mitigate losses under section 254 (2) of the BGB (German Civil Code). If necessary, we will submit a counter-claim because of infringement of the aforementioned terms and conditions. We thank you for your cooperation.
Heuger Gartenbaubetriebe reserve the right to change the above information and terms and conditions of use at all times as necessary.
Last revised: January 2025
Photo credits
The images used on this website are the property of Heuger Gartenbaubetriebe.