From pot to ground
Planting hellebores outside
Flower delight – year after year after year: If you have received a potted Christmas, Snow or Lenten Rose as a gift or treated yourself to one for a festive highlight in a planter, you can easily plant the hellebore in the garden after it has stopped flowering. Although the ideal time to plant hellebores is September and October, the robust perennials from the Helleborus Gold Collection® can be planted any time the ground is not frozen. If you’re gradually getting ready for spring with some new balcony, terrace or home plants, just move your winter bloomers to a nice place in the garden. Christmas and Lenten Roses prefer partial shade, but Snow Roses will thrive in partially shaded and even sunny locations. However, you want to look for a spot where your hellebore can thrive for a long time, because frequent relocation puts stress even on these low-maintenance winter flowerers. For optimum presentation, plant Christmas Roses and their siblings in groups of three to five or combine them with other winter-flowering plants. They will make a beautiful winter flower bed that requires little care while adding colour to the winter garden. There is little to keep in mind when planting. Simply remove old or damaged leaves and faded flowers to get at the rootball and to help along the development of new leaves. Click here for more information on hellebores in the garden and step-for-step planting instructions.