Helleborus Gold Collection®
The Helleborus Gold Collection® is a collection of premium Christmas Rose, Snow Rose and Lenten Rose varieties. Botanically, they belong to the genus Helleborus. They are hardy, low-maintenance perennials that should not be missing in any garden. They have an upright habit, with some varieties (especially Snow and Lenten Roses) forming clumps up to 1 m in diameter. First and foremost however, it is the unusual time at which they flower that makes these plants a must in any garden. They delight us with their wealth of beautiful flowers at a time when all round us nature seems asleep. Some varieties start to flower as early as November, and will withstand severe cold and snow. Others bloom in late winter and continue flowering well into spring.
As well as using the evergreen perennials in the garden, the varieties from the Helleborus Gold Collection® are ideal in containers for balconies, terraces and entrance areas. Combined with evergreen conifers, eastern teaberry (Gaultheria procumbens) and other evergreen hardy plants, they decorate prominent places that summer flowers would normally brighten up. In January and February, Snow and Lenten Roses sound the bell for spring with their beautiful flower colours and, combined with flowers such as daffodils (Narcissus), tulips (Tulipa) and alum roots (Heuchera hybrids), continue to stage their beauty into April.