HGC® Ice N' Roses® Barolo

Helleborus x glandorfensis

The garnet red colour of the extra-large flowers of Ice N' Roses® Barolo is reminiscent of the exquisite wine from Piemont. The hardy Snow Rose is as excellent as the wine, with flowers from January through April. Ice N' Roses® Barolo also thrives in sunny places in the garden and is very robust. Combined with ornamental foliage plants in matching colours, such as alum root (Heuchera hybrids), bugleweed (Ajuga reptans) or ornamental grasses in concrete or pottery containers, Ice N' Roses® Barolo brings colour to balconies, terraces and entrances alike.

Flowering time: from January
Growth vigor: 50-60cm
Location: sun to part shade
Spacing: 80 cm
Planting time in the garden: spring and fall, when the ground is not frozen
Planting planter: all year around
Companion plants: Heuchera, Ajuga, Carex, Narcissus