For many flower enthusiasts, the Christmas Rose is an absolute must around Christmastime. Very popular uses include the combination with Christmas ornaments to create festive accents on the dining table or a Christmas welcome message in the entrance area. This natural arrangement in a bowl shows that the Christmas Rose can add a pleasant winter mood even without any Christmas ornaments.

Fill a planting bowl with loose soil mix. Don't firm the mix, because you need room to add the root balls of your leafless Christmas Roses.

Remove the pots and place the leafless Christmas Roses, including the growing medium around its root ball, in the bowl.

To arrange the plants as desired, simply push the soil mix to the side with your hand as needed. Make sure to centre the plants in the bowl, if you want to create the impression of the bowl containing a single large perennial.

Place pieces of ball moss onto the soil mix along the edges to form a dense carpet that covers the mix completely.

Add light-coloured pieces of twigs and autumn leaves to create a natural forest floor look.

Little expenditure, large impact – you can collect most of the materials used from your own garden. Naturally beautiful!
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