HGC® Jonas | Star-shaped flowers
Helleborus nigerDuring the pre-Christmas period, the large star-shaped flowers of the variety Jonas turn any window box into an eye catcher. Jonas flowers from November onwards and combines well with Sawara cypress (Chamaecyparis pisifera), eastern teaberry (Galtheria procumbens) or small white spruce (Picea glauca var. conica). The pure white blooms are borne on sturdy stems that can be reddish at higher temperatures and held above dense fresh green leaves.
Flowering time: | from November |
Growth vigor: | 15-25 cm |
Location: | partial to full shade |
Spacing: | 60 cm |
Planting time in the garden: | spring and fall, when the ground is not frozen |
Planting planter: | all year around |
Companion plants: | Chamaezyparis, Picea, Gaultheria, Hebe |