HGC® Ice N' Roses® Rose

Helleborus x glandorfensis

This Snow Rose adds a striking bright spot to any garden or container in the dark time of year. Its pale to deep rose flowers catch the eye even from a distance. Ice N' Roses® Rose has a very long flowering period from December until well into spring. It continuously produces new rose buds that are carried on sturdy stems and create a unique play of colours in combination with the deep rose colour of the older flowers. Ice N' Roses® Rose is extra robust and vigorous and thrives well anywhere in the garden.

Flowering time: from January
Growth vigor: 50-60cm
Location: sun to part shade
Spacing: 80 cm
Planting time in the garden: spring and fall, when the ground is not frozen
Planting planter: all year around
Companion plants: Ophiopogon, Bergenia, Gaultheria, Pulmonaria